Traveling internationally means navigating data roaming charges. This guide helps tourists use mobile data in NZ without bills getting out of hand. You’ll learn about data roaming in New Zealand, major providers, and costs. Tips ensure budget-friendly connectivity while exploring the country’s beautiful landscape. Follow the recommendations and enjoy your trip without post-travel mobile price shocks.

I. Understand Data Roaming in New Zealand

If you are traveling to New Zealand from overseas, one of the things you need to be aware of is roaming charges for using your cell phone. Roaming in New Zealand refers to using your cellular network in a different country than your usual network provider. Most cellphone providers charge extra fees when customers roam in other countries.

Unlike some regions, New Zealand has no set prices for roaming. This means each mobile carrier (Spark, One NZ, 2degrees) sets its own rates. Expect per-minute call charges of around $2-5, texts at 50 cents each, and data a whopping $5-10 per MB.

  • Roaming fees typically include per-minute charges for calls, per-text charges, and data fees if you use the internet on your phone while roaming. Rates can be quite high.
  • Charges vary depending on your home network provider. For example, some US carriers charge $10-15 per day just to have roaming enabled on your account in another country.

II. Roaming Charges in New Zealand

1. How to Check Roaming Charges Before Your Travel To New Zealand

Before traveling to New Zealand, contacting your mobile network provider and inquiring about their charges of roaming in New Zealand and available roaming packages is important. Here are some steps to help you check roaming charges before your trip:

Roaming in New Zealand

Source: Telstra Roaming Pass Check

  • Contact your mobile provider: Call or check your provider’s website for information on international roaming policies and rates applicable in New Zealand. Ask if they have any roaming packages or plans specific to NZ.
  • Research fees online: Most providers publish standard per minute/text/data roaming rates on their websites so you can get an estimate of potential costs. Be sure to check rates for both out-of-country and between specific countries like your home country and New Zealand.
  • Contact customer service: Speak to a representative directly to get the most accurate information about expected roaming charges based on your account and travel plans. Clarify any uncertainties.

2. Roaming Charge in New Zealand by Australia Mobile Operators

To give you an idea of what to expect, here’s a comparison of roaming charges in New Zealand from Australian mobile operators:

Carrier Price Calls (per min) Texts (each) Data (per MB)
Optus $5/day Unlimited Unlimited 5GB
Telstra $5/day Unlimited Unlimited 2GB
Vodafone  $1/mins $0.75/SMS/MMS $1/MB

Based on the plan inclusions and pricing, Optus provides the best value daily plan compared to Telstra and Vodafone. Optus would be the recommended Australian carrier.

III. Best Ways to Avoid Charges of Roaming in New Zealand

1. Buy an eSIM from


The number one recommendation is to buy an eSIM (embedded SIM card) from before your trip.

eSIMs allow you to easily switch mobile plans without having to purchase a new physical SIM card. offers travel eSIM plans from major New Zealand carriers like Spark. Our plans provide a set amount of high-speed data for a fixed price during your stay. This allows you to use your existing phone abroad without any roaming charges. Getting an eSIM is as simple as downloading an app and activating it online.

Stream, snap, share
Endless New Zealand with no data cap!

2. Buy a Local SIM Card

Another effective way to avoid roaming in New Zealand is to purchase a local New Zealand SIM card upon arrival in New Zealand. This option provides you with a New Zealand phone number and local data rates, ensuring you stay connected without the fear of excessive charges.

Local SIM cards can be purchased at various locations in New Zealand, including airports, convenience stores, and mobile provider retail outlets. Some popular options include Spark, Vodafone, and 2degrees.

3. Enable Wi-Fi Calling

If you prefer to keep your existing SIM card and plan, enabling Wi-Fi calling can be a cost-effective solution for staying connected in New Zealand. The process for enabling Wi-Fi calling varies depending on your device and mobile provider. Generally, you can find the option in your phone’s settings or by contacting your provider for guidance.

IV. FAQs about Roaming in New Zealand

Do I need international roaming in New Zealand?

Yes, you will need international roaming if traveling to New Zealand from another country. New Zealand uses different cellular networks than most other places and your home network SIM card will not work there without roaming enabled.

Will my SIM card work in New Zealand?

If your SIM card is from a country other than New Zealand, it will not work on New Zealand’s cellular networks without international roaming activated. You need a local New Zealand SIM card or roaming enabled on your current SIM to make calls, send texts, or use data in New Zealand.

Is data free in international roaming?

No, data is not typically free when roaming internationally. Most cell phone carriers charge high rates for using your phone’s data services like browsing the internet, streaming music/videos, or using apps when roaming abroad on another country’s networks.
Rates vary by carrier but can be $5-10 per MB of data used. So it’s recommended to disable roaming data or purchase a local New Zealand SIM for more affordable rates while traveling there.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, if you’re planning a trip to New Zealand and want to avoid expensive roaming charges while staying connected, is the perfect solution for you. With our range of affordable and flexible eSIM data plans, you can enjoy fast 4G/5G internet wherever you are in New Zealand.

With, you can stay connected, save money, and have a seamless digital experience throughout your journey. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore beautiful New Zealand while staying connected with the best local network.